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米罗的Tapestry – 此画在9•11事变中被销毁。

米罗的Tapestry – 此画在9•11事变中被销毁。

毕加索(Pablo Picasso)那句被再三引用的名言“世上只有一种人真正能作画,那就是小孩子。”Joan Miro 米罗,Paul Klee 克利,Jean Dabuffet 杜布菲,几十年也常被提出来做见证,这些大师的作品如铁班昭告大家,他们是如何借应用孩子的眼光才能看见别人看不见的巧妙,才画出原创十足的作品。即使如此,还是有那么多根深柢固的错误存在父母的心里难以拔出,认为小孩不懂,不会总得要好好教,教就因此变得很危险。


所以,干扰孩子原创能力的因素无所不在,不只是负面的批判与比较,即使是不信任,质疑的态度也都是伤害,孩子被冤枉,猜疑,同样也对成人世界失望,不信任。小小一张图画是教育子女,也是教育自己的课题。 再说,画的好坏,也常有起落的差别,这要看孩子对本次的主题与话题了解是否到位,我们须用更大的而心探讨,绝不是一位画得好不好就可以概括的。所以意言社在画前会有20-30分钟时间进行主题的讨论,通过故事,图片,视频等进行沟通与交谈,我们相信只有通过聊天的方式,才能更好的了解到每一位孩子心中的想法,才能在接下来的画画时更好的表达他们的画面,画出属于他们的原创! 意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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An audition for our little artist for a TV programme

On 26th and 27th July 2014, our little artists were selected for an audition to be on a Channel 8 TV programme for kids, a programme that is about helping kids realise their dreams and wishes. At the end of the audition, the director of the TV production company asked: “The kids here are different from the ones that we’ve interviewed, they seem to be able to communicate very well, expressing their own thoughts and perspectives easily, is this because of how they are taught here?” We were deeply surprised and felt proud of our little artists.

Our persistence on our teaching values, Creativity & Originality, have gave our little artists a fundamentally important soft skill, a problem-solving skill that will accompany them in their life journey. Every child is different, some may not be as creative but at least they have their own perspective, ideas and thoughts. They learn about appreciating art and it’s not just about the ability to draw well, it is about how they can confidently express their own creativity, not worried about whether their artwork can match the likes of others; to be original, to be yourself.

Sometimes, we still hear parents asking their kids: “Wow! This is a very nice artwork you have done, did you draw this or is it the teacher have helped you?” They have appraised their child and yet, have a sense of suspicion on their own child. “I did this myself”, the child exclaimed in anger.

Drawn too well and this is the work of the art teacher? It is a serious mistake to doubt your own child.

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain as an artist once we grow up.” – Pablo Picasso.

Tapestry by Joan Miro. Destroyed on September 11, 2001, in the collapse of the World Trade Center, following the September 11 attacks.

Tapestry by Joan Miro. Destroyed on September 11, 2001, in the collapse of the World Trade Center, following the September 11 attacks.

For many years, the works of masters, Joan Miro,Paul Klee and Jean Dabuffet, have told us how they have applied full originality in their works, through the eyes of a child’s innocence. Still, there’s many misconceptions from parents that their child do not understand and should be taught better and this “taught better” becomes dangerous for a child’s development. In Artistori, we believe every child has a potential in art and the duty of a teacher is to realise the child’s specific potential,using this potential and applying it to the fullest, we let our little artist fully understand the topic that they are about to draw, sketch,create or craft, spark their interest in this topic, encourage and imbue a sense of confidence in their creativity. Many times, as teachers, we are amazed and touched by their completed master pieces.

Therefore, there are many factors that affect a child’s originality; Criticisms, comparisons,disbelief, suspicion. When a child is wronged, questioned, they become confused and disappointed. A small piece of art work is not just a child’s education but an education for yourself, as a parent, as well.

Sometimes, a child’s work may not be as “Wow” as his/her previous works, the main factor is whether the child has understanding of the topic he/she is drawing. When a child doesn’t understand enough of the subject, no matter how good the child has the ability to draw, sketch or colour, he/she will not be able to fully apply originality and creativity into his/her art piece. This is the reason why before a new topic begins, Artistori spends 20 to 30 minutes introducing and discussing with our little artists, through story-telling, videos or pictures,engaging them with questions and answers. We believe through conversations and interactivity, our little artists will have a better understanding of the topic and thus, they may start imagining, start that creative process, applying originality into their art work.

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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公教小学每年都会开展中华文化营活动,今年,意言社很荣幸的被公教小学邀请来到学校开展了中华文化营活动,活动通过故事的形式了解与学习中华文化的传统美,并用艺术的形式表达出来! 意言社和同学们渡过了开心的一个上午,大家都专注认真的创作,虽然时间有限,不能完全完成创作,但意言社还是不得不赞叹同学们的想象力和创造力!意言社和公教小学一样,认为这种宣扬中华文化传统的活动非常重要,希望新加坡的小学能够多多举办类似的文化营,在开心娱乐的环境下潜移默化的学习中华文化!最后,感谢公教小学老师们的配合及意言社老师们的付出,让这次的活动圆满成功!谢谢!

Every year, Catholic High Primary School will organize a chinese cultural camp for individual primary levels. This year, we are very honored to be invited by Catholic High for Primary 3. We engaged the primary 3 students with two amazing stories, touching on moral values, self and chinese culture! It's been a great morning with the primary 3 students. We were very impressed by their patience, focus and creativity and although the time wasn't sufficient for them to complete their art works, all of them amazed us with fabulous work of art! Artistori supports such activities, just like Catholic High School, where Chinese culture emphasized. We hope that all schools in Singapore have such activities or camps, promoting cultures from all over the world even! We'd like to thank the teachers of Catholic High School for their support and collaboration. A big thanks to Artistori teachers too! Your efforts are highly appreciated!

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art

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