Next Creative Mix Media Art Project for N2 to P1

Welcome to a world where emotions come alive on the canvas, where the humble circle becomes a vessel for the untamed tide of feelings within us. In the Seeds of Surprise project, we invite little artists to embark on an emotional odyssey, exploring the depths of their hearts as they learn to translate their every joy, sadness, and passion into captivating circles. With each stroke of their brush, they unlock a language of visual poetry, revealing the intricate tapestry of their souls and reminding us all that art has the power to heal, connect, and ignite the fires of empathy.
Learning Points:
• Drawing and Painting Techniques
• Color and pattern observation and creation
• Fine Motor Skills
• Mix Media Art
Period: From 21st June 2023 until 16th July 2023.
Free Trial Duration: 1 session only from 21st Jun 2023 to 25th Jun 2023.
Sign up for free trial now:
Existing Creative Mix Media Art students, join
Instructions on Projects (Challenges) for Certification purposes:
Whatsapp: 88765551
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