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Suspension & Postponement

We are going to miss you for 2 weeks. All of you are lovely and fantastic!

Suspension of Physical Classes

In line with National Arts Council instructions, all physical classes in Artistori will be suspended from 29th September 2021 until 10th October 2021.

Pre-bookings in our system will be updated closer to 10th October.

Please do ignore the reminder email from our booking system for now.

Postponement of Children's Day Art Workshop

My Cute Unicorn Ceramic Handbuilding Art Workshop will be postponed to another public holiday: Deepavali, that may have slight date changes. Tentatively, it will be 4th November 2021 Thursday 9am to 12pm.

Take care and stay safe.

Artistori looks forward to seeing everyone back again after the suspension.

Our Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) SMM setting will still remain after the suspension:

Thank you!

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

WeChat ID: Artistori

意言社 Artistori


Your Story, Your Art


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