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Summary of Updates and Changes in 2020 and Going Forth

Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,

On behalf of all Teachers of Artistori, I want to send a big big Thank You for believing and supporting us!

Altogether, it has been 7 years since Artistori began with many who are still with us, growing and nurturing well, and your presence is heart-felt like a family, the Artistori Family.

So far, our works that were sent overseas for international art contests have had awards received and locally, we have many young artists who are successful in their admission to Ngee Ann Polytechnic, School of The Arts (SOTA) and other secondary schools with portfolios built in Artistori.

We constantly seek to improve and do better, with strong belief that art education is beneficial for everyone including adults. Even if art is not part of your academic aim, art improves any individual’s perspective, character, and well-being.

Before we enter 2021, I would like to highlight the summary of updates and changes that happened in 2020 and announce the new initiatives that will be going forth.

Please take some time to read the attached PDF file and perform the necessary actions required:

Here's the table of contents within the PDF file:

Table of Contents

  1. Certificates and Progressions

  2. Tracking of Certificates and Progressions (Challenges)

  3. Closed Project Make Up Fees

  4. Enrolment Fees for New Enrolments

  5. 1st International Art Contest organised by Artistori

  6. Tracking Attendance and Online Rescheduling

  7. Launch of Art Preneurship for 12 years old and above

  8. Public Holiday and Closures

  9. Amendments to Attendance Model

  10. Freezing Your Account due to Disruption in Attendance

Do email us if in doubt.

Thank you.

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.

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