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Expensive, eh? It's worth it...

It is important for every artist to have in depth knowledge about the materials that they are using to create their art piece. There is a wide range of art materials and products that produces different results and have subtle differences that ultimately affect the experience in the process of art creation and the intricate details in their masterpieces.

Artistori stresses the importance of quality, in every art piece produced as well as the materials that are chosen for use for every different projects. We don't just Taobao everything!

In our current Art Preneurship, our young artists are introduced to Gouache, a medium that is not widely introduced and can be difficult to master. in the beginning of their lessons to practice and the discovery of Gouache techniques, they have used a cheaper range of Daler and Rowney Simply series. With the knowledge of Gouache techniques, they can compare the difference in the quality of the Gouache paints when they start using the higher range of Gouache paints: Maimeri Extrafine Gouache and Daler Rowney Designers Gouache.

From cheap range to expensive range, we hope that every little artists, junior artists and young artists in Artistori brings home their valuable experience of the quality of art materials. This ultimately helps them with their future decision making when they begin purchasing their own art materials.

Yours Sincerely,

Vernon Chen

Art is a journey, it never stops.



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